Emergency Preparedness Information

If there is an Emergency call 911.

91快活林 does not employ a full-time employee to administer health services.




Emergency Number    911
Campus Security 903-563-1417
Ambulance 911
Fire Dept. 903-572-3441
Fire Non-Emergency 903-572-2788
Highway Patrol 903-752-3616
Police Dept. 903-575-4004
Sheriff's Dept. 903-572-6641



Security Call Box Locations

Security Call Box

Business Tech. Building (Plaza side entry)

Math Science Building (Plaza side entry)

Administration Building (SSC) (Plaza side entry)

Student Housing East

Fit Center




1. If there is an emergency call 911.

2. Designate someone to call the building secretary.

3. The building secretary or closest employee needs to call security at ext. 8127.

4. Do not leave patient alone.

91快活林 does not employ a full-time employee to administer health services.



The campus emergency notification system will keep students, faculty and staff informed in the event of a campus emergency. It is designed to send to all current students, faculty and staff early warning text and voice messages to phones, e-mail accounts and to registered users. The Director of Plant Services will contact the college president to evaluate the weather conditions prior to 6:00 a.m. (In the President鈥檚 absence, the Director will contact the Executive Vice President.)

If the President deems it necessary to either cancel or adjust classes, the Director of Plant Services will contact the Public Information Officer.

The Public Information Officer will contact the following area radio stations who will report the sched- ule change and will post updates on the 91快活林 website:

Jodi Weber-extension 8114 鈥 cell 903-434-9342

STAR Country FM- 96.9

KALK FM- 97.7

KIMP AM- 960

Decisions involving evening classes will be made by 3:00 p.m. by the college President. Students, faculty and staff should listen to one of the stations listed or check the 91快活林 website for the appropriate announcements.



Knowing these instructions Could mean life or death during a tornado.

A Tornado watch indicates conditions are favorable for a tornado to develop. A Tornado warning means a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar.

Plant Services will activate the audible warning system indicating that threatening weather is approaching. In addition to the audible warning system, the campus emergency alert system will be activated on personal cellular devices, phones, etc.

Take cover in designated 鈥渟afe areas鈥. Stay away from windows and doors. If outside, take cover and lie flat in a drainage ditch, low area or ravine. Avoid auditoriums, laboratories, studios and hazardous chemical storage areas.

Once the situation has been evaluated as clear-the audible warning system will sound an all clear notification sound.




In the event of a demonstration, domestic disturbance or student disruptions of any kind on campus, the nearest 91快活林 employee will call Campus Security and report the nature of the disruptions. Upon receiving the call the Director will notify campus security.

Security will investigate the incident and determine if additional outside assistance is needed. Security will report any issues to the Director of Plant Services. The president and vice-presidents will be notified as soon as practical of the situation.




Notify Campus Security 903.563.1417 or ext 8127 and/or call 911.

Check identification, if possible.

Determine whether the person has a legitimate reason for being on campus. As a precaution, have backup person(s) for support.

If the person cannot give identification or a legitimate reason for being on campus, wait for Campus Security 903.563.1417 and/or call 911.

Ask the person to leave, or if necessary, have the person removed if:

  1. The personal safety of the students, faculty or staff is threatened.

  2. The orderly management of the instructional program is disrupted.

  3. College order and discipline are disturbed.

If the person is identified as a person with a legitimate reason to be there, utilize a combination of politeness, courtesy and firmness to de-escalate the behavior. If the person is coherent, listen to him/ her and try to understand his/her concerns. DO NOT permit the classroom to be disrupted.

If students or staff witnessed the situation, inform them of the facts once situation is resolved. Have witnesses write down what they observed as soon as possible.




If an active shooter is outside your building:

Proceed to a room that can be locked. Turn off lights, silence cell phones, stay away from windows and stay out of sight. Call 911 to notify the Titus County Sheriff鈥檚 Office of the situation. Call Campus Security 903.563.1417 or ext 8127 to notify of the situation.

In an event of a 鈥渓ock down or active shooter situation鈥 on the main campus, the most recent direction from FEMA advises to: run, hide, fight.

  1. RUN  - this means if it is safe to do so, and you have the opportunity to remove yourself from area of threat, you may do so. For example the threat is on other side of campus, you may leave and remove yourself from potential threat. There is no reason to wait for threat to come find you.

  2. HIDE - If there is no opportunity to remove yourself from threat safely, then hide. The ideal hiding place would be a room that locks. Turn lights out, cell phones down to not be heard, and stay quiet, close blinds, turn off computer monitors and keep occupants calm, quiet and out of sight. If time allows barricade entrance to room such as but not limited to: moving heavy furniture in front of door or jamming something against door to prevent opening.

  3. FIGHT -  If danger/threat has entered your immediate area, your safety is at risk, and if you have the ability to do so, it may be time to fight for your life and or others. This may be done individually or in a group. A group generally has better odds. Some suggestions is throwing things at shooter/threat such as books, chairs, tables, etc. This causes shooter to have difficulty in aiming, allowing time for someone the chance of tackling shooter and hopefully ending threat. Again, this works better if there is a group with some throwing and others taking shooter out. In a classroom setting there could be a plan if time allows.




In the event of a fire or major hazardous emergency materials emergency within a campus building, it is in the best interest of the occupants to evacuate the building as safely and orderly as possible. The conditions are easily recognized-fire typically accompanied by light, heat and smoke. Explosions are typified by loud noises and possible shock waves. Plant Services (ext 8175) and / or campus security 903.563.1417 will be notified. They in-turn will activate the audible warning system. The local fire department will be notified 911.

A fire or hazardous materials emergency exists whenever a building fire evacuation alert is sounding.

Uncontrolled fire or imminent fire hazard occurs in any building on campus.

There is a presence of smoke or the odor of burning.

There is an uncontrolled release of combustible or toxic gas or other hazardous material, or flam- mable liquid spill.

Do not use any elevator during a fire emergency.

Do not re-enter a building until officials say it is safe to do so.

The Director of Plant Services will proceed to the scene and decide the best course of action to mini- mize property damage and personal injury.




If you hear or see a hostage situation:

Immediately remove yourself from danger.

If available to use a phone call 911 to Titus County Sheriff鈥檚 Department and advise the nature of the call. Then dial 903.563.1417 or ext 8127 to Campus Security personnel and provide-

-- Your name

-- location

-- phone number

-- number of and description of hostage takers

-- number of hostages,

-- weapon(s) involved


If you are taken hostage:

Remain calm and cooperate with your captor(s)

Do not attempt to escape unless imminent life or death situation is evident

Speak normally, avoid being belligerent and comply with instructions

Do not draw attention to yourself with bodily movements, comments or statements

Observe captor(s) description, physical traits, clothing or other details

Try to establish rapport with captor(s)

Captor(s) are less likely to harm you if they respect you




If you receive a bomb threat:

Follow shelter in place procedures!

Note the time of call!

Ask the caller these questions and take notes:

-- When is the bomb going to explode?

-- Did you place the bomb in its location?

-- What is the explosive?

-- What does the bomb look like?

-- Where in the building is the bomb located?

-- What will cause it to explode?

-- What is your name?

-- Where are you calling from?

-- Why?


Calmly notify others in your area.

Keep talking to the caller, immediately direct someone to call 911 and alert campus security at 903.563.1417 or ext 8127

Be sure to note unique characteristics of caller鈥檚 voice, exact words of threat and any background noises.

Turn off all hand-held radios. Their signal may trigger a detonation device.

The Director of Plant Services will make the decision to evacuate the area and/or building.




First and foremost always remember that no amount of money is worth the risk of personal injury or death.

The Response

During an armed robbery cooperation is more prudent than intervention and the following tactics should be adopted:

1. Do precisely as you are told and no more

2. Avoid eye contact

3. Speak only when spoken to

4. Tell the robber exactly what you are doing

5. Make no sudden movements

6. Do not activate alarms unless absolutely safe to do so

7. Try to remain calm and control your emotions

8. Remember as many details about the perpetrator and the incident


Some things to look for:

Physical appearance: Age Build Color Hair Tattoos Scars Clothing

Behavior: Speech-accents, language used Actions-interaction with other offenders Weapon(s) used Method of escape Vehicle used Direction of travel while escaping

Immediately following the event-

Call 911

Call College Security 903.563.1417 or ext 8127

Preserve the crime scene

1. Close the premises to the public and keep out unauthorized persons.

2. Keep staff away from areas where the perpetrator may have placed their hands.

3. Staff should note description for police. A complete description and the words used in the crime are desirable.

4. Do not make statements to the media before discussion with the police.

5. Do not comment on how much money was involved-except to the police.

6. Supply the police with all the details even if they appear insignificant to you. These recommendations that are intended to assist you in surviving the encounter. They are not all encompassing.




If loss of electrical service or if loss or low water pressure occurs, Plant Services (ext 8175) is to be notified. Plant Services personnel will search the power loss and effect repairs.

When a natural gas leak is detected, Plant Services (ext 8175) is to be notified. Plant Services will determine the location of the gas leak and effect repairs. The evacuation of the building will be determined by the Director of Plant Services.

The Director of Plant Services will communicate the findings to the President, Vice-Presidents and Deans. An estimate of the time frame before full restoration of utilities will be given by the Director of Plant Services.




If a student or faculty/staff member is exposed to hazardous materials:

If the situation is life threatening call 911, notify Campus Security at 903.563.1417 or ext 8127.

Give location and description of the hazardous materials. Stay on the line to give additional informa- tion while emergency unit is responding.

Contact Director of Plant Services (ext 8175 or 8173).

Determine source of leak or spill. If safety permits, stop substance from being released.

Close off the affected area.

If you are remaining in the building, move away from the affected area and have everyone breathe through wet paper towels.

Flush any affected body parts with clean water.

If evacuating a building, go to an outside area upwind from the source.

Note the names of any victims and their physical symptoms. Assign others to stay with them. If any exposed person leaves the area to receive medical treatment, give information about the inci- dent to medical personnel.

Director of Plant Services will ensure that the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) is contacted with proper time constraints