Safety & Security

In an Emergency Call 911 or Security 903-563-8127 or Ext 8127

91快活林 provides security for the campus 24 hours a day.

To report a crime, emergency or if you are in need of assistance call extension 8127 or (903) 563-1417. There are also five (5) red emergency phones on campus. They are located on the front of: Administration; Math Science; Business Technology; Student Housing East; and Fitness buildings.

The security department of 91快活林 is an armed security force, operating under Texas Department of Public Safety and are commissioned as set forth by ,


Sec.1702.022 (21) ..."security officer commission" means authorization issued by the board that entitles a security officer to carry a firearm...

and are not law enforcement personnel. The Titus County Sherriff's Department responds to any criminal acts that occur on campus. Upon notification of criminal offenses that occurs on campus, a security officer or other designated person will respond. The complainant is notified that they need to notify any crime to Titus County Sherriff's Department and will furnish them the telephone number if needed. The security officer will also make a report of incident. The Security Department will assist the Sheriff's Department as needed to investigate crimes. 91快活林 has a very good working relationship with the Titus County Sheriff's Department.

The Security Department maintains and publishes annually crime statistics as required by the Jeanne Cleary Act. These are made available to all employees, students, faculty and prospective students. An individual may view these statistics by clicking on the link.

The Security Department works with the Student Activities Department to provide resources for students, to advise them on prevention of crime and procedures to take after certain crimes have been committed. There are also links on this page for information on stalking and sexual assault, If you click on these links, it will take you to a page providing more information on these topics.